Friday, August 31, 2007

Some of the words thus far…


Mama (finally!)

Uh-oh (He tried to say this word during his very first attempts at speech)

Maggie (pronounced Aggie - this was is first official word and "Daddy" was second)

Roxy (pronounced Oghy with a short "0" like ox)


Car (this is usually the word for anything with wheels: a car, a truck, a wagon, etc.)

Cookie (pronounced co-ka with a long “o”)

Cracker (pronounced ka-ka)

Truck (on occasion)

Mmmmm (when eating something yummy of course!)





Belly (pronounced beh and stated only in combination with patting himself on the belly)

Ahh? (as a question as if to ask, “what is that?” or “can I have that?”)

Ahhhhhh…(in combination with a smiles and a razz sound with his tongue on his teeth – this is usually a sound of mild laughter or being pleased with himself)

AHHHHH!!! (screamed in a moment of slight rage when wanting something that is out of reach)

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Say Cheese

Charlie has always been one to humor his camera happy mother. He knows just how to turn on the charm when he sees then lens appear before his face. He often gets that look. You know, the look where he points his head slightly down and he raises his eyes as if to say, “I’m not sure I can trust you.” Well, he’s right. He can’t trust me with the camera because I am constantly snapping pictures of him and them on the Internet. What will he think of me when he’s 15 years old and knows that I’ve posted pictures of him for all the world to see? Pictures of him naked in the bathtub, photos with snot streaming down his nose, and heaven forbid a picture of him having a complete meltdown (such as the one below).

I guess I’ll just have to deal with that wrath later.

Lately, Charlie has begun to modify his red carpet pose. Before, it seemed as if he would never smile for the camera. I would snap away to get the perfect shot of him and he wouldn’t smile until after I gave up and put the camera to rest. Now, he’s all smiles. Maybe it’s all those new teeth? Maybe he’s just trying to get me to put the camera away already! Who knows? Regardless of the reason, this boy is more than ready to hand out grins for the Nikon flashing in his face.

Self-feeding and happy feet

Pulling up (he can do it by himself now!)

Charlie and Maggie – his VERY best friend (although she doesn’t know it)

Charlie's first piece of intentional art

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Last weekend, we headed to Atlanta to visit with Aunt Robyn, Uncle Seb, and their five pets: Jake, Benny, Moe (the bearded dragon), Jules, and Tye. We had a wonderful time lazing around their house and enjoying each other's company. It was a great visit, and we are so happy that they are closer so that we can spend a lot more time with them.

Charlie was a great sport during the drive there. He only insisted we stop for a break twice. I guess this is one of those moments that I can appreciate that he is still in diapers.

In the park near Robyn and Seb's house. So much Kudzu!
Clapping with Aunt Robyn

We also visited the Geogia Aquarium.

Charlie and Uncle Seb checking out the tropical fish

Asleep before we even made it out of the aquarium grounds

Reading with Mommy.

Aunt Robyn lets me play in the sink

Greeting Maggie when we picked her up grom Gamie's on the way home.