Some of the words thus far…
Mama (finally!)
Uh-oh (He tried to say this word during his very first attempts at speech)
Maggie (pronounced Aggie - this was is first official word and "Daddy" was second)
Roxy (pronounced Oghy with a short "0" like ox)
Car (this is usually the word for anything with wheels: a car, a truck, a wagon, etc.)
Cookie (pronounced co-ka with a long “o”)
Cracker (pronounced ka-ka)
Truck (on occasion)
Mmmmm (when eating something yummy of course!)
Belly (pronounced beh and stated only in combination with patting himself on the belly)
Ahh? (as a question as if to ask, “what is that?” or “can I have that?”)
Ahhhhhh…(in combination with a smiles and a razz sound with his tongue on his teeth – this is usually a sound of mild laughter or being pleased with himself)
AHHHHH!!! (screamed in a moment of slight rage when wanting something that is out of reach)
Mama (finally!)
Uh-oh (He tried to say this word during his very first attempts at speech)
Maggie (pronounced Aggie - this was is first official word and "Daddy" was second)
Roxy (pronounced Oghy with a short "0" like ox)
Car (this is usually the word for anything with wheels: a car, a truck, a wagon, etc.)
Cookie (pronounced co-ka with a long “o”)
Cracker (pronounced ka-ka)
Truck (on occasion)
Mmmmm (when eating something yummy of course!)
Belly (pronounced beh and stated only in combination with patting himself on the belly)
Ahh? (as a question as if to ask, “what is that?” or “can I have that?”)
Ahhhhhh…(in combination with a smiles and a razz sound with his tongue on his teeth – this is usually a sound of mild laughter or being pleased with himself)
AHHHHH!!! (screamed in a moment of slight rage when wanting something that is out of reach)